BGFA 6U & 8U
(Spring/Summer Season)
Registration Age Guideline:
The goal is to keep teams small, learn the game, and have fun. Games are played in Buffalo and surrounding communities. The season begins in May. Players play a different position each inning.
6U Softball
Games will be played Tuesdays and or Thursdays starting May 16th ending June 29th, 2023
*Players will start by hitting off tees and progress to coach pitch
*$75 + processing fee (includes T-Shirt)
8U Softball
Games will be played Mondays and/or Wednesdays evenings starting May 17th. One game night double headers till schools out, then move to possibly two nights per week. Starting May 17th ending with the end of season tournament on June 26-28th, 2023 to be held at multiple locations.
*Games are against other Buffalo 8U teams and surrounding communities (STMA, Delano, Rockford, Rosa, Buffalo, and possibly Hanover).All towns will use a "flinger" pitching machine for batting.
*$115 + processing fee - Jersey required
6u rules
• Games will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Game times run from 6-7,or 7-8.
• The players will get no more than three (3) pitches form a coach. If after 3 pitches and the ball is not hit in play, the player will then hit off a tee to help with the flow of the game.
• Each team will bat their entire roster.
• If three outs are made, the team will remain up to bat. If a player gets out while running the bases, that player will return to the bench.
• All players will play in the field. Position them as needed.
• No umpires will be used at this age.
8u Softball Rules – 2023
- We will use an 11-inch ASA approved Dudley softball
- Pitching will be handled by a blue Louisville Slugger Pitching Machine and set at 30-34 mph.
- These machines require routine maintenance. Visit for more information.
- The pitching plate will be placed at 35 feet.
- Base distances will be 60 feet.
Game play
- Games will be played on Monday or Wednesday nights. Games start at 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm
- Games will played at 6:00 with a double header scheduled will have a drop dead rule at 6:55 to ensure a 7:00 start time for the second game.
- During school 1 hour games, after school is out 1 two hour games, or six innings whichever comes first.
- Home team will supply two game balls.
- Defense will have 9-10 players on the field but no less than 7 players. If one team has fewer that 7 players, they may borrow players from the opposing team to allow the players that are there to be able to play a game.
- It is strongly encouraged to rotate players in multiple positions during a game.
- Each batter gets 3 swings or 5 pitches unless last pitch is a foul ball. The at bat will continue on a foul ball just as with all other age groups
- Bunting is not allowed
- The infield fly rule will not be applied
- Runners will not be allowed to advance after a dropped third strike.
- Stealing is not allowed
- Designated Players will not be allowed
- Leading off is not allowed. runners may not leave their base until the ball makes contact with the bat.
- The pitcher must stay in the pitchers circle and behind or on the side of the coach until the ball contacts the bat.
- Prior to the pitch, the pitching coach (from the batting team) must verbalize and check that the defense is in the ready position and ready for play to begin.
- Outfielders must start the play standing in the grass at the edge of the infield. if the infield is cut for baseball, create an arc 15 feet behind the bases and the outfielders must start behind that. They cant move until the bat has made contact with the ball.
- Players and runners will stop when;
- A ball that never leaves the infield: Once a fielder has control of the ball the runners should stop at the next base. This encourages the infielder to throw the ball to the appropriate base without fear of runners advancing to the next base because of an overthrow.
- Ball fielded in the dirt or the arc equals one (1) base per infield hit.
- A ball hit to the outfield: If not outfielder has control of the ball the runners may continue to advance. Once the outfielder gains control of the ball and throws it toward the infield the runners will stop at the next base. Even if the ball doesn’t make it to the “dirt” on the throw, the act of throwing the ball in is the attempt of making the correct play. Players must stop at the next base.
- Teams will bat the roster.
- Innings are complete after 3 outs or 5 runs
- Run ahead rule: 15 after 3, 12 after 4 8 after 5.
- Games will be 5 innings or 55 minute limit.
- Coaches allowed on the field: Teams may have two (2) offensive, two (2) defensive and one (1) pitching coach ont the field to help trand and teach the game. One of the defensive coaches must be behind the catcher to help the game move along. Coaches will control the blue flinger for their own team up to bat.
- Coaches are part of the field and are in play and need to make every effort to stay out of the players way.
- The coach feeding the blue flinger should keep two softballs in their possession, and not laying on the ground around the machine.
- Coaches need to operate the game with the highest amount of integrity. At all times keep the kids best interest in mind.
- Due to covid, there will be no end of the game “hand shake” instead each team lineup on a foul line and do a good game “wave”